Rugby Myton Support Hub
The Rugby Myton Hospice Support Hub is a new service aimed at anyone aged 18 years and over who is living with or caring for someone with a life limiting illness. A community-based service working with local partners; all support provided is free of charge and no referral is needed.
The hub is open Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm; you don’t need an appointment, just come in.
The friendly staff and volunteers will help you to focus on things that are important to you. This may include:
- Providing information
- Signposting to other services/organisations
- Joining one of the groups or classes
- Popping in to one of the drop-in sessions for a cuppa and to meet people who understand what you’re going through
- Spending time in the relaxing environment to just ‘take a minute’.
A full programme of events is available on the website at or from the Rugby Myton Support Hub reception, including information on how to enrol in each programme or join a group that is of particular interest to you.