Practice History
Bennfield Surgery was opened on 14th June 2004 after moving from Warwick Street Surgery which was establised in 1988. Warwick Street Surgery was initially founded by Dr Bemand and Dr Griffiths, two nurses, three receptionists and one secretary. Since then the Surgery has not only changed name, but moved to new purpose-built premises in Corporation Street.
The Surgery has been very popular with patients; the list size has grown from an initial 4000 patients to over 7900 at present in 2023. Dr Carol Warburton and Dr Nick Doherty welcomed Dr Heather Barnes as a partner in July 2006. Dr Christopher Busby joined us in 2018, followed by Dr Chris Williams in 2019. We recently said our goodbyes to Dr Warburton who retired from General Practice in June 2023, leaving the 4 remaining GP Partners.
Bennfield Surgery now has a full compliment of practitioners to enable us to provide modern family medicine for the 21st Century. Carlyn Dunster-Sigtermans is our Nurse Practitioner; she brings a wealth of experience to the Practice and prescribes independently. Four other Practice Nurses and a Health Care Assistant provide comprehensive nursing care.
Behind the scenes we have a Management Team who are very approachable for patients and many Administrative Staff who maintain a helpful and friendly environment and are most efficient.
Our aim is to provide friendly and effective personal family health service and to promote a healthy lifestyle for all our patients.
We are always pleased to receive feedback from our patients and we constantly strive to keep our practice relevant to the changing needs of our patients and the ever-changing NHS.