Cancer Care Information
As your GP, we would like to reach out and offer our support.
It can be helpful to have an appointment with your GP or Practice Nurse in the first few months after your cancer diagnosis, specially to discuss the impact that the cancer or its treatment is having on you. This is called a Cancer Care Review. This may be conducted face to face or over the phone and is your opportunity to discuss the issues that are most important to you, and how we can help support you. You should receive an invitation for this appointment in about 2 month’s time, but you can also request it yourself.
Everyone’s experience of cancer is unique, but there is a range of support services and information to help you, your family and friends at this difficult time.
For non-medical concerns or worries, it might be useful to ask the GP to make you an appointment with the local Social Prescriber or link worker who, if they can’t directly help, may be able to refer you to someone who can.
Macmillan Cancer Support also offer direct services that you might find useful.
Macmillan’s support line is open 7 days a week and offers confidential support to people living with cancer and to their loved ones. If you are worried about money, work or treatment, or you just want to speak about whatever matters to you, you can call free on 0808 808 0000.
Support is also available via the Macmillan online community; information can be found at,uk or sign up for support at
Cancer Care MapĀ is a very useful resource to find out any services or groups that may exist in your area, from lifestyle support such as physical activity services to local support groups